Product Description:

Dragon Fruit Powder

Sale price¥3,100 JPY


Gluten Free

No Added Sugar

Unleash the vibrant power of's Dragon Fruit Powder and elevate your daily routine with a burst of exotic nutrition! Our premium powder packs a potent punch of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to support overall health. Ideal for smoothies, shakes, or as a colorful addition to your meals and snacks, it's not just incredibly nutritious but also adds a delightful sweetness to your diet. Our Dragon Fruit Powder is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their dietary intake with a superfood boost. Experience the taste and benefits of this tropical wonder with every serving!

Please be aware that serving sizes listed on our website are subject to occasional adjustments based on factors such as variations in ingredient availability and supplier changes.

Style: Powder
Size: 250 Grams (8.8 oz)
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¥3,100 JPY
¥2,790 JPY

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¥2,500 JPY
¥2,250 JPY

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¥4,400 JPY
¥3,960 JPY

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¥6,500 JPY
¥5,850 JPY

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Pitaya Fruit (Dragon Fruit) Benefits 

Pitaya fruit (dragon fruit) is low in calories and rich in antioxidants, has no cholesterol, is rich in vitamins and minerals, and boasts many health benefits. It contributes to healthy skin and hair, fortifies the teeth and bones, helps with cognition, aids digestion, supports the lungs, and contributes to overall health and wellness.

  • Superfruit 
  • Contributes to healthy skin
  • Promotes healthy hair
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Fortifies the bones
  • Helps strengthen the teeth
  • Aids digestion
  • Supports the lungs
  • Works to boost cognition and aid healthy brain function
  • A pleasant moderate sweet taste that is great to add to smoothies or baking.