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مسحوق الفراولة العضوية

وحدة إدارة المخزون: STRBRY250
السعر بعد الخصمHK$194.00
11 reviews



BulkSupplements مسحوق الفراولة هو مصدر غني للفيتامينات والمعادن. أنه يحتوي على مستويات عالية من فيتامين C وفيتامين K والكالسيوم والبوتاسيوم والمنغنيز ومضادات الأكسدة. غني بالألياف، هذا المسحوق يدعم صحة القولون ويساعد على الهضم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإنه يساهم في صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية ويقوي وظيفة المناعة. الاستفادة من الصحة والعافية بشكل عام، يعد BulkSupplements Strawberry Powder إضافة ممتازة لأي نظام غذائي.

يرجى العلم أن أحجام التقديم المدرجة على موقعنا الإلكتروني تخضع لتعديلات عرضية بناءً على عوامل مثل الاختلافات في توفر المكونات وتغييرات الموردين.

أسلوب: مسحوق
مقاس: 250 جرام (8.8 أونصة)
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نشحن من لاس فيغاس وناشفيل. توصيل خلال يومين إلى 99.4% من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

أوقات التوصيل الدولي تتراوح بين 4-10 أيام. الرسوم الجمركية والضرائب مدفوعة مسبقًا إذا تم تحصيلها عند الخروج.

فوائد مسحوق الفراولة

يعد مسحوق الفراولة مصدرًا رائعًا للفيتامينات والمعادن الأساسية مثل فيتامين C وفيتامين K والكالسيوم والبوتاسيوم والمنغنيز. إنه مليء بمضادات الأكسدة ويساعد على دعم صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية ووظيفة المناعة. كما أنه غني بالألياف وقد يساعد على الهضم وتعزيز صحة القولون.

  • غني بالفيتامينات والمعادن
    • فيتامين سي
    • فيتامين ك
    • الكالسيوم
    • البوتاسيوم
    • المنغنيز
  • محملة بمضادات الأكسدة
  • معبأة بالألياف
  • يدعم القولون
  • تساعد على الهضم
  • يساهم في صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية
  • يقوي وظيفة المناعة
  • يفيد الصحة العامة والعافية

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  • strawberry
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  • lemon juice
  • powders
Nate C.
I recommend this product

Best of all their powders I've tried so far

Fantastic flavor on this one! Most of the powders on this site I find I need to triple the serving size to bring out the flavor, but the organic strawberry is pretty solid with a single serving. I still double the serving size personally though when using this for my homemade electrolyte drink, as well as add a bit of sugar and lemon juice for flavor. Add the fact that this is organic and it's probably going to be the first of the flavored powders that I re-order and continue to use. I see a lot of talk about how they are 'secretly' adding in dextrose - Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents that I haven't felt this has ruined the product at all, and it honestly probably helps dissolve the powder - both into the drink and the body as well. The amount of actual sugar you are consuming with that dextrose compared to a similar type of flavoring is negligible. If you're concerned about this boosting your blood sugar levels a bit when drinking, I think powdered fruit flavorings probably aren't the way to go for your health needs. For everyone else, this is far from the worst thing companies put in flavored fruit products.

United States

Best of all their powders I've tried so far

Fantastic flavor on this one! Most of the powders on this site I find I need to triple the serving size to bring out the flavor, but the organic strawberry is pretty solid with a single serving. I still double the serving size personally though when using this for my homemade electrolyte drink, as well as add a bit of sugar and lemon juice for flavor. Add the fact that this is organic and it's probably going to be the first of the flavored powders that I re-order and continue to use. I see a lot of talk about how they are 'secretly' adding in dextrose - Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents that I haven't felt this has ruined the product at all, and it honestly probably helps dissolve the powder - both into the drink and my body as well. If you're concerned about this boosting your blood sugar levels a bit when drinking, I think powdered fruit flavorings probably aren't a great fit ;)

United States

Best of all their powders I've tried so far

Fantastic flavor on this one! Most of the powders on this site I find I need to triple the serving size to bring out the flavor, but the organic strawberry is pretty solid with a single serving. I still double the serving size personally though when using this for my homemade electrolyte drink, as well as add a bit of sugar and lemon juice for flavor. Add the fact that this is organic and it's probably going to be the first of the flavored powders that I re-order and continue to use. I see a lot of talk about how they are 'secretly' adding in dextrose - Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents that I haven't felt this has ruined the product at all, and it honestly probably helps dissolve the powder - both into the drink and my body as well. If you're concerned about this boosting your blood sugar levels a bit when drinking, I think powdered fruit flavorings aren't for you :)

Linda S.
United States United States

Mixes well

I bought this to add to my homemade kefir to take some of the tanginess out of it. Love it. Will be trying other flaavors

Rocky C.
United States United States
I recommend this product


There is no measurement for use when adding to a recipe. Very mild flavor.

Marianne W.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Good Health

It has been a good experience. My husband's BP has gone down. I put my daily 2 teaspoons in yogurt and my husband's in his orange juice. Will continue to use.