Product Description:

Magnolia extraktpulver

REA-pris$56.00 SGD
5 reviews


Inget tillsatt socker

BulkSupplements Magnolia Extract är ett naturligt tillskott som hjälper till att stärka tänderna och stödja munhälsan. Den är rik på antioxidanter och har antiinflammatoriska egenskaper, vilket gör den också fördelaktig för en frisk hud. Dessutom har detta extrakt stämningsstödjande effekter, vilket gör det till ett utmärkt val för dem som letar efter ett naturligt sätt att förbättra sitt känslomässiga välbefinnande.

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Stil: Pulver
Storlek: 1 kilo (2,2 lbs)
$30.00 SGD
$27.00 SGD

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$23.00 SGD
$20.70 SGD

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$40.00 SGD
$36.00 SGD

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$56.00 SGD
$50.40 SGD

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$261.00 SGD
$234.90 SGD

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$773.00 SGD
$695.70 SGD

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Magnolia Bark Extract (2 % Honokiol) Fördelar

Magnoliabarkextrakt på 2% honokiol kan hjälpa till att stärka tänderna och stödja munhälsan. Den är rik på antioxidanter och har antiinflammatoriska egenskaper. Magnolia bark extrakt främjar också frisk hud och bidrar till ett hälsosamt humör.

  • Stärker tänderna
  • Stöder munhälsa
  • Rik på antioxidanter
  • Naturliga antiinflammatoriska egenskaper
  • Bidrar till frisk hud
  • Hjälper till att upprätthålla ett hälsosamt humör

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  • honokiol
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  • mood enhancement
  • compounds
  • effects
  • cytokine response
Paul B.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Good for several conditions

Do some research and you will find that magnolia bark is remarkably effective for a number of conditions with few side effects and no dependence with long term use. This extract is a great value. I’ve tried a stronger extract that was standardized to almost 20% honokiol, and it did nothing for me. Many extracts don’t contain some beneficial compounds. I like this extract because it has beneficial effects that stronger extracts don’t. I’m assuming that is because it has a chemical profile that is closer to whole magnolia bark.

Gina R.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Helps with sleep & adrenal support

Gina R.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Great product

Was having problems sleeping due to elevated cortisol issues and adding this to my daily regimen solved the issue.

United States United States
I recommend this product

To help with immune responses...

As usual, the item was shipped fairly quickly. I do not know if this is doing what we want (no way to know) since it was chosen to add to the supplements list based on a small study that found magnolol to restrain extreme/overactive IL-6 cytokine response. I add my supplements together in a glass and stir into hot tap water (just a few ozs) and when that is stirred up, I top it off with grape juice. This one seems to stir in quite well. As for mood enhancement, it's being added to a regimen that includes a number of other supplements for that purpose, and it hasn't changed the perceived effect already in place. ('s only been a few weeks, though.)

Lian W.
United States United States


Great for relaxing and helping to fall asleep