Product Description:

Serbuk Protein Beras Organik

Harga penjualanS/. 72.00 PEN
8 reviews


BulkSupplements Rice Protein adalah bubuk protein vegetarian dan vegan yang bebas alergen dan tersedia secara hayati. Protein beras merupakan sumber asam amino esensial yang baik, termasuk asam amino rantai cabang (BCAA) valin, leusin, dan isoleusin. BCAA penting untuk pertumbuhan dan perbaikan otot. Bubuk protein ini tidak mengandung produk susu, gandum, atau kedelai, menjadikannya pilihan yang baik untuk orang yang alergi atau sensitif terhadap makanan.

Perlu diketahui bahwa ukuran porsi yang tercantum di situs web kami dapat mengalami penyesuaian sesekali berdasarkan faktor-faktor seperti variasi ketersediaan bahan dan perubahan pemasok.

Gaya: Bubuk
Ukuran: 250 Gram (8,8 ons)
Opsi pembelian
S/. 95.00 PEN
S/. 85.50 PEN

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
S/. 57.00 PEN
S/. 51.30 PEN

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
S/. 72.00 PEN
S/. 64.80 PEN

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
S/. 121.00 PEN
S/. 108.90 PEN

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
S/. 575.00 PEN
S/. 517.50 PEN

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Opsi pembelian
S/. 1,291.00 PEN
S/. 1,161.90 PEN

Perbarui otomatis, lewati atau batalkan kapan saja. Lihat kebijakan langganan

Untuk menambahkan ke keranjang, buka halaman produk, lalu pilih opsi pembelian

Kami Mengirim dari Las Vegas & Nashville. Pengiriman 2 Hari ke 99,4% AS

Waktu Pengiriman Internasional adalah 4-10 hari. Bea & Pajak Dibayar di Muka.

Manfaat Bubuk Protein Beras
  • Vegetarian dan vegan
  • Bebas alergen
  • Tersedia secara hayati
  • Dapat membantu dalam membangun dan memperbaiki otot setelah berolahraga
  • Tidak mengandung susu, gandum, atau kedelai

Customer Reviews
4.9 Based on 8 Reviews
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Winnie N.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Very nice rice protein

It’s very practical, easy to carry with you, if you need, the content is good and seems to be very healthy

I recommend this product

Excellent customer service

item came damaged so I sent a message to customer service, and they quickly sent out a replacement. I understand that inconveniences can happen and items can be damaged but I can't stand when it's a major hassle and I have to spend a bunch of time & energy to get an issue delt with when it was not my own fault. With it was very easy and hassle-free and I appreciate it and will continue to order my supplements from them.

Arturo A.
United States United States


Love all your products thanks bulk supplements

Dayton M.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Rice Protein

Best protein Ive had

Jack M.
United States United States

Rice protein

Awesome taste not chalky or thick. 100% will be buying again.

Kaylee S.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Very pleased!!!

So happy to find a vegan protein without all the extra additives. I was pleasantly surprised with the taste of the unflavored as well!! All I added was a pack of stevia and almond milk and it went down just as easy as any protein shake!!! If anything it tasted better than flavored powders, as all that was lacking from the taste I’m used to was the artificial flavor. Highly recommend! Very pleased.