Product Description:


AngebotRs. 1,600.00
9 reviews


Keine Zusatzstoffe


WIR ALLE BRAUCHEN MEHR PROTEIN! Proteine ​​haben mehrere Funktionen, darunter die Funktion als Enzyme und Hormone, die Aufrechterhaltung des richtigen Flüssigkeits- und Säure-Basen-Gleichgewichts, den Nährstofftransport, die Bildung von Antikörpern, die Ermöglichung der Wundheilung und Geweberegeneration sowie die Bereitstellung von Energie. Gerstenreisproteinpulver bietet zahlreiche Vorteile, insbesondere für Personen, die eine pflanzliche Proteinquelle suchen. Es ist eine ausgezeichnete Proteinoption für Veganer und Vegetarier! Darüber hinaus ist Gerstenreisproteinpulver leicht verdaulich und eignet sich daher für Menschen mit empfindlichem Magen oder Verdauungsproblemen. Es ist außerdem eine reichhaltige Quelle an essentiellen Aminosäuren und versorgt den Körper mit Bausteinen für die Muskelreparatur und das Muskelwachstum. Darüber hinaus ist dieses Proteinpulver arm an Fett und Kohlenhydraten, was es zur idealen Wahl für Personen macht, die eine Gewichtsabnahme unterstützen oder ein gesundes Gewicht halten möchten. Schließlich enthält Gerstenreisproteinpulver verschiedene Vitamine und Mineralstoffe wie Eisen, Magnesium und B-Vitamine, die zur allgemeinen Gesundheit und zum Wohlbefinden beitragen.

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Stil: Pulver
Größe: 250 Gramm
Rs. 2,600.00
Rs. 2,340.00

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Rs. 1,300.00
Rs. 1,170.00

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Rs. 1,600.00
Rs. 1,440.00

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Rs. 2,000.00
Rs. 1,800.00

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Barley Rice Protein Powder ist die vegane und vegetarische Alternative zu Molkenprotein und ist reich an muskelaufbauenden Aminosäuren. Dieses Pulver enthält keine tierischen Produkte, ist milchfrei und eines der am schnellsten absorbierten Proteine.

  • Einfach zu verdauen
  • Enthält alle 9 essentiellen Aminosäuren
  • Ideal für die Erholung beim Training
  • Gewinnen Sie Muskelmasse
  • Zieht schnell ein
  • Umweltfreundlich
  • Fügen Sie 1 EL zu Ihrem Morgenkaffee hinzu, um einen zusätzlichen Proteinschub zu erhalten

Customer Reviews
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  • taste
  • protein
  • protein powders
  • additives
  • sugar
  • sweetener
  • exercise
  • 360mg
  • digestive system
  • flavors
David N.
United States
I recommend this product

Nice product

No Soy, Yeast, or added sugars. Mixes easily cold or warm and for product that contains gluten - digests easily.

Kyle M.
Canada Canada
I recommend this product

Flavour is good; however, it expands and gets extremely viscous like no rice protein I've had before. Not suitable for adding to smoothies. Took me a few trial and error attempts to get the right ratio of water:protein to get something that could be drank.

United States United States
I recommend this product

Good stuff

Barley rice protein dissolves well in a shaker cup. It has a bitter taste and so I add in a tablespoon of peanut powder and/or a half scoop of whey protein powder and it tastes fine. I have found barley rice protein to be easily digestible. I cannot attest to how well it builds muscle. I am a 60-year old who does moderate weightlifting to maintain muscle tone, as well as cardio activity (rowing machine, stationary bike, jogging). Based on my use so far, I can say that barley rice protein is equivalent to whey protein in terms of muscle recovery and being able to engage in daily exercise. Barley rice protein has the advantage over whey protein because it has no cholesterol and minimal saturated fat. The only downside of barley rice protein is that it has more sodium (360mg) than whey protein per serving.

Amrit K.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Great Product

Was looking for a good tasting, high protein content powder, low in carbs and sugar with no soy, natural flavoring or additives, just all natural. This one fit the bill. So many protein powders have less protein, more sugar and more carbs. I've tried some plant based protein powders that were great as far as protein content, low sugar, carbs and no additives but, they tasted so bad, I couldn't drink them - even after adding stevia, they still tasted bad. So, I'm very happy to find this product. It has everything I'm looking for in a protein powder and it tastes great (I do add a little stevia but, I normally do that anyway with all my protein drinks - I prefer to add my own sweetener, most protein powders that already have stevia added are way too sweet and usually have natural flavoring added which makes them taste weird). I look forward to every mug of this Barley Rice Protein Poweder.

Jamison L.
I recommend this product

Dissolves super quick

I add 1 tablespoon to my coffee and oatmeal to easily add 7g protein. I have little to no crash from my morning coffee when it has added protein. I also take my creatine from BS for a great start to my day. Barley Rice Protein Powder Review
Jamey L.
United States United States
I recommend this product

Good stuff

Taste is not bad - mixes well and seeing results of the added protein to my diet- from a 66 year old that has battled Leukemia and other health issues, .